Let’s Unfuck the Internet!

Here we go! Another blog fighting for a free and open Internet, courtesy of the fine people at the 5 of July Foundation.

I’m Henrik Alexandersson, a.k.a. HAX. Until last week I used to work with the Swedish Pirate Party in the European Parliament. Now I’m another freelance writer, internet and civil rights activist living my life as some sort of digital nomad.

I have been fighting the ruling classes and their corporatism from a libertarian platform for some 20 years now. Individual liberty, civil rights, limited state, free markets and peace are things that get me out of bed in the mornings. The views I will express at this blog are my own, though I hope I share them with a lot of people out there.

I have also been a bit of a Hell Raiser on the Internet, before my five years in EU politics. Somehow it seems that I’m still under suspicion for breaching the Security of the Realm in Sweden, after exposing some shady national surveillance activities back in 2008. One of my favourite things is “political vandalism”, where and when it is due.

As a 5J-blogger I will air opinions, bring you news and try to ignite debate. Hopefully, I will also be able to use this platform to stir up controversy, maybe even make some real change. Information is a very powerful tool…

The 5 July Foundation is started by people associated with the Swedish privacy orientated ISP Bahnhof. Bahnhof was the first ISP in Sweden and has always been in the front line defending an open Internet, free speech and free information. As an example, they hosted Wikileaks for some time.

On Twitter I’m @hax. Follow me there and by RSS at this blog for updates. My Swedish blog is www.henrik-alexandersson.se and my e-mail is hax@1010gateway.com (open or PGP). GPG Fingerprint: 693E AD23 1CA1 6ABA 1793 9896 0A57 1CFF 1DC7 C47A

Me, me, me… Now, let’s get some work done!