
Henrik "HAX" Alexandersson

Henrik “HAX” Alexandersson is a Swedish writer, thinker and political evangelist.

Between 2009 and 2014 he worked in the European Parliament for the Swedish Pirate Party. An avid debater, he kept a close watch on EU politics in the area of privacy and human rights. His Swedish blog has a large following.

HAX is chairman of libertarian network Frihetsfronten.

Contact: hax@1010gateway.com
GPG Fingerprint: 693E AD23 1CA1 6ABA 1793 9896 0A57 1CFF 1DC7 C47A

You can also follow him on Twitter. His username is, of course, HAX.

Note: This blog was written by HAX between 2014 and 2017. Since 2017, HAX is editor of Femte juli, the 5th of July Foundation’s news site in Swedish.

Notes on security

We run this site on our own physical servers located in Sweden. We use SSL encryption; users are automatically directed to the HTTPS version of the site.

We use WordPress, the free, open source content platform. In addition, we have taken these measures to preserve privacy:

  • We do not use WordPress cloud service Jetpack, meaning we have no third party statistics and no cloud-based comments.
  • We have disabled Google Fonts entirely, so that Google will not be able to track our visitors.
  • We have disabled Gravatar functionality for the same reason, meaning there will be no fancy avatar next to your comments.
  • We use “2-click social media buttons”, meaning no information is transmitted to Facebook, Google or Twitter until you activate their respective sharing buttons.

This all means that when you load our site, it doesn’t contact any other site, “under the hood”, with these exceptions:

  • We use embedded videos (usually from Youtube).
  • We use Akismet to filter out comment spams.

The reason for these exceptions is that we think the advantages of these features are bigger than the downside.