Torrent-based websites that cannot be censored?

This is exciting. The Web2Web project claims to be able to put web pages on the Internet that cannot be taken down, using torrents and Bitcoin. And it can be run from any modern browser.

The under the hood stuff is explained by TorrentFreak – Web2Web: Serverless Websites Powered by Torrents & Bitcoin »

»To run a Web2Web website neither the server nor the domain is required. All you need is a bootstrap page that loads your website from the torrent network and displays it in the browser« Czech developer Michal Spicka tells TorrentFreak.

If this turns out to be anything like what it’s said to be, it might be a game changer. It builds on the need for resilient, decentralised systems beyond the reach of Big Government and Big Business.

Expect some serious noise from the authorities…


Author: HAX

Henrik “HAX” Alexandersson is a Swedish writer, thinker and political evangelist. Between 2009 and 2014 he worked in the European Parliament for the Swedish Pirate Party.

One thought on “Torrent-based websites that cannot be censored?”

  1. Liknande tekniker har funnits ett tag. T.ex
    Helt klart något som kommer slå igenom de närmaste 10-15 åren. Potential att inte bara förändra webben i sig men även att förändra hela ekonomin med betalningar som är omöjliga att kontrollera av någon central makt (i.e. kollaps av nuvarande skattesystem).

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