The underlying problem with EU Copyright Reform

The EU apparatus is back from summer leave, and one of the big issues this coming year will be Copyright Reform.

As I have written before, indications are that the EU Commissions proposal will be lame as well as misguided. This should come as no surprise. The thing is, the system is rigged.

Having worked in the European Parliament, I have learned about the close ties between politicians and the copyright industry.

Big Entertainment and other copyright holders are not interested in real copyright reform. They loathe the Internet and fear the new digital market.

What they want is special legislation. And it doesn’t really have to benefit them directly. They are comfortable with new rules aimed at blocking new competition, like Internet start-ups with new and disrupting business models.

This is crony capitalism, corporatism and the rule of special interests.

The Internet is a unique possibility to develop a really free economy, a free market and competition on a somewhat level playing field. Big Business doesn’t like that. Nor do the politicians and bureaucrats. They are anti-progress.

You should keep that in mind as the battle for EU Copyright Reform begins.


Author: HAX

Henrik “HAX” Alexandersson is a Swedish writer, thinker and political evangelist. Between 2009 and 2014 he worked in the European Parliament for the Swedish Pirate Party.