Data retention might be used by the authorities to connect the dots between people, creating sociograms.
But it’s not only about who you talk with on the phone, text or e-mail. Data retention also includes people’s mobile positions. This makes it easy to draw conclusions about who you are meeting with, where and when.
While data retention makes it possible to determine people’s general positions, there are even more precise tools such as IMSI-catchers a.k.a. “Stingrays“. Small, portable fake cell phone base stations like these are perfect for identifying people participating in a political meeting, a rally or a debating society.
This is a law enforcement dream coming trough. But it’s also obviously problematic when it comes to freedom of association and assembly.
This equipment opens the door for wholesale registration of people’s political affiliations.
The freedoms of association and assembly are essential in a democratic society. It is a prerequisite for the existence of traditional political parties. It is necessary to make political activism possible. And it is fundamental to the people’s right to organise, protest and oppose those in power.
What intelligence organisation or government could resist using such a tool to keep track of opponents and dissidents? And if not today, what about tomorrow?
This is not only about possible government abuse of power. It can just as well be used by foreign powers. Or by criminals and terrorists, as IMSI-equipment is available on the open market. Imagine the damage that can be done. (It is possible to collect identities and print a hit-list almost instantly.)
This is not some dystopian prediction. Data retention is very real and Stingrays are most certainly already in the wrong hands. All you can do to protect yourself is to leave your mobile at home. But I guess people won’t.