The European Union is currently working on a new legal framework for data protection.
This process has been subject to massive lobbying from companies on both sides of the Atlantic – trying to water it down.
At the moment the dossier is dealt with at the European Council. There EU member states seems to be just as eager to undermine any substantial protection of citizens rights to their own data as the industry lobbyists.
This is a complex process, hidden behind a wall of documents and often carried out behind closed doors. It’s all so complicated that the media seems to choose to ignore it.
So, what is the conflict all about?
To put it simply: It’s about your right to control your own personal data.
The principle that lobbyists and member states refuse to accept is that it should be up to you to decide if and how your data is to be used. It’s a matter of consent.
The Big Business and Big Government approach is that there is no need for consent. That you should not be in control of how your personal information is used. That you and your rights are not important.
The usual suspects would like to keep us all as digital slaves.
This is about privacy. And it’s about your right to control your own life.