Anakata in court: Things to keep in mind

This week internationally renowned hacktivist Gottfrid Svartholm Warg–a.k.a. Anakata–will appear in court in Denmark, accused of breaking into the IT system of Computer Sciences Corporation, CSC.

GSW is known as one of the founders of The Pirate Bay. He hosted Wikileaks before the whistleblower site rose to fame–and is credited for his assistance with making the video Collateral Murder going viral and global. He is also a passionate defender of freedom of speech, with a libertarian background.

Since being extradited from Cambodia to Sweden, GSW has been serving prison time for his work with The Pirate Bay and some hacking related charges. However, a Swedish high court has cleared him in a case of hacking where the circumstances are just about the same as in the Danish case. (Jacob Appelbaum gave witness for the defence.)

As the media tends to copypaste prosecutors press releases, here is some additional information worth keeping in mind…

  • It is claimed that GSW computer was “remotely controlled”. For most people this might sound odd. However it seems that it’s all about a lab server, open for other people. Put in this way, this claim seems much more understandable and plausible.
  • As I mentioned, the evidence is essentially the same as in a case where GSW was cleared by one of the Swedish high courts. (It’s the same computer…)
  • When it comes to CSC, it is no ordinary tech company. For instance they are managing the IT system for the US spy and surveillance organisation NSA.
  • CSC is also being accused by human rights organisations for providing airplanes used by the CIA for secret flights, connected to the extraordinary renditions program.

I have no idea what Gottfrid Svartholm Warg might have done or not done. Or any possible intentions. But I don’t like the look of this case…


In Swedish / På svenska »

Update: The Local – Pirate Bay Swede’s trial set for final stage »

Update 2, Sept. 2nd: Pirate Bay founder case starts in confusion »

Update 3, Sept. 8th: Gottfrid Svartholm Trial Starts & Ends Week in Controversy »

Author: HAX

Henrik “HAX” Alexandersson is a Swedish writer, thinker and political evangelist. Between 2009 and 2014 he worked in the European Parliament for the Swedish Pirate Party.

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